Miniature Party Pony Shares Yoga Secrets

Here at Pony Parties our ponies are just like extended family, except they have four legs instead of two. They all have their individual “horsenalities” – some are confident and energetic extroverts, some are calm and contented introverts, and some are playful and cheeky. In today’s post for our Meet the Ponies series we shine the spotlight on Wombat, our miniature party pony.

Name: Wombat

I wonder why he is called that… he’s the same colour… maybe because of his big bottom?!

Wombat's big bottom.
Wombat’s big bottom

Breed: Miniature Pony

Wombat is a Miniature Pony. Miniature Ponies are good for pulling little carts, or for being companion animals. But they really are too small to ride if you are older than 2 years old. Wombat is a good size for little kids to brush and he has plenty of mane! Find out how Miniature Ponies are different to Miniature Horses.

Our miniature party pony Wombat sneaking a nibble of grass.
Our miniature party pony Wombat sneaking a nibble of grass.

Size: 8 hands

Please note; size doesn’t make any difference to his self esteem! In his opinion he is a BIG horse! As a matter of fact, he is 2nd boss of all the ponies! (The number one boss is Banjo.)

Wombat at a photo shoot at Caulfield Racecourse.
Wombat at a photo shoot at Caulfield Racecourse.

Age: 28 years

Wow! That’s the equivalent of 84 human years! He keeps fit by practising yoga every day, which boosts his physical and mental wellbeing. His favourite pose is the triangle. He also regularly meditates to help achieve an emotionally calm state, which is done through mindfulness techniques.

Wombat doing yoga at home.
Wombat doing yoga at home.

Colour: Strawberry Roan

This colour is a mix of chestnut and white hairs. He was darker when he was younger, but has gone lighter over the years.

Wombat helping Santa when he was younger. Our miniature party pony with his Christmas hat.
Wombat helping Santa when he was younger.
Wombat celebrating Melbourne Cup. His colour is a bit lighter.
Wombat celebrating Melbourne Cup. His colour is a bit lighter.

Peculiarities of this party pony:

One of Wombat’s funny features is his tail… it keeps growing and growing and growing! It becomes so long that he stands on it with his back hooves, which would be quite uncomfortable! Therefore we have to trim it regularly.

A headless horse?
A headless horse?

We love this little pony, as he is so full of character and charm! He is very friendly and curious, and quite a sticky beak! We know you will love him too.

Want to invite dear little Wombat to your party? Make a booking enquiry now.

What the ...?! What a strange party pony!
What the …?!

Find out more about Melbourne’s Pony Parties Read more stories about our other ponies Banjo and Rainbow Cassie

Unicorn Pony Parties Meet the ponies First Pony Ride?

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