A Relaxing Family Activity
As well as offering pony rides at your party, we are also available to take kids on a cheery ride through the forest. Need to get out of the city? Like to spend some time relaxing in the bush and observing nature? Then this is for you!

0ur hand-led forest rides through tranquil bush settings at Flowerdale will give your kids the opportunity to engage with our friendly ponies while you take a deep breath and relax. We are located less than an hour’s drive from Melbourne’s northern and eastern suburbs.

Suitable for kids of any ability aged 1-10 years old.
Each pony experience includes the opportunity to brush one of our quiet ponies, feed them some carrots, and have one of our famous hand-led forest rides! There is no pressure for kids to do any of these activities if they aren’t confident. We want any interactions with our ponies to be positive ones.
Forest Rides And Engaging With Animals
Caring for animals has many hidden benefits for children, such as learning about empathy, respect, relationships, and the environment. Pets can have a calming influence on children as well. The RSPCA says that observing and interacting with companion animals can positively affect children’s physical, emotional and social development. We hope to enable that to happen.
For some extra fun, why not have a picnic by King Parrot Creek while in the area? Or plan to have a cosy lunch at Flowerdale Pub?
Book your Forest Ride or call Janet on 0417 330 948
What are some more of the many benefits for kids in interacting with animals?
First Pony Ride? How Old Do Kids Need To Be?
Check out more pictures of our forest rides in the Pony Parties Gallery.